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HoCo Library Partners with Brainfuse to Provide LIVE Online Homework Help (Updated on September 18, 2024) - Get live homework help, prepare for a test, and generate ideas for research projects.
Student and Family Support Resources for Mathematics 6, Pre-Algebra GT, Mathematics 7, Mathematics 8, Algebra 1 (& GT), and Geometry (& GT) - Updated resources that contain unit-by-unit summaries of what students will learn, including sample problems and solutions. This is a good resource for staying updated on key concepts and skills taught throughout the course. Video lesson summaries for Mathematics 6 - Algebra 1 are available and for key lessons from each unit taught. The content of these video lesson summaries is based on the written Lesson Summaries found at the end of lessons in the curriculum. The goal of these videos is to support students in reviewing and checking their understanding of important concepts and vocabulary.
MCAP Practice Tests Available - Interested in learning about what the MCAP tests are like for grades 3-8 and high school Mathematics (and English Language Arts, MISA, and Social Studies)? Practice tests have been created and are available here.
Supporting Resources for College Level Math Courses - Links to corresponding Khan Academy mathematics courses (beyond Algebra 2) contain how-to videos, checks for understanding, practice problems, and quizzes course content. Parents/guardians can choose to register their child so that Khan Academy keeps track of the child's progress. (Note - Language translations are available by selecting the language in bottom left hand-corner of pages.)
"Getting Ready" for Math Courses - You can find these updated resources under the Elementary, Middle School, and High School Math drop-downs above. Visitors will also see the "Get Ready Mathematics" courses through Khan Academy available for Grade 3 Mathematics - Precalculus.
- Get help with live tutors seven days a week from 2 to 11:55 pm via Brainfuse - hclibrary.org/new-a-main/students/homework-help/
- Research a project with Gale in Context Elementary, Middle, or High school
- Learn or study a world language using Mango or Little Pim (ages 0-6)
- Practice tests and tutorials, including SAT and ACT, through Learning Express Library and Petersons Career and Test Prep
- And so much more! View all online resources here.
Student and Family Support Resources for Mathematics 6, Pre-Algebra GT, Mathematics 7, Mathematics 8, Algebra 1 (& GT), and Geometry (& GT) - Updated resources that contain unit-by-unit summaries of what students will learn, including sample problems and solutions. This is a good resource for staying updated on key concepts and skills taught throughout the course. Video lesson summaries for Mathematics 6 - Algebra 1 are available and for key lessons from each unit taught. The content of these video lesson summaries is based on the written Lesson Summaries found at the end of lessons in the curriculum. The goal of these videos is to support students in reviewing and checking their understanding of important concepts and vocabulary.
MCAP Practice Tests Available - Interested in learning about what the MCAP tests are like for grades 3-8 and high school Mathematics (and English Language Arts, MISA, and Social Studies)? Practice tests have been created and are available here.
Supporting Resources for College Level Math Courses - Links to corresponding Khan Academy mathematics courses (beyond Algebra 2) contain how-to videos, checks for understanding, practice problems, and quizzes course content. Parents/guardians can choose to register their child so that Khan Academy keeps track of the child's progress. (Note - Language translations are available by selecting the language in bottom left hand-corner of pages.)
"Getting Ready" for Math Courses - You can find these updated resources under the Elementary, Middle School, and High School Math drop-downs above. Visitors will also see the "Get Ready Mathematics" courses through Khan Academy available for Grade 3 Mathematics - Precalculus.
Looking for the definition of a math term? Click here to use the Math Glossary.